• Announcement:

    Costco Mail Order/Online Pharmacy is your new mail order service provider. If you need to start your medication immediately, or do not have a two (2) week minimum supply on hand, request two prescriptions from your physician; one for a short term supply to fill at a local retail pharmacy and one for a 90-day supply (including refills) that can be submitted to Costco Mail Order/Online Pharmacy

    You have 2 options for using this service. 1) Traditional mail order service - where all orders are placed through the mail or by phone. 2) Online order service - where orders can be placed online at www.pharmacy.costco.com

  • SavRx

    SavRx is committed to providing significant pharmacy benefit savings, excellent management and superior customer service while providing clarity, integrity and accountability in pricing, discounts and management.

    SavRx provides claims adjudication, a national pharmacy network, mail order and specialty pharmacy, benefit design assistance, online reporting and claims access, a member and pharmacy help desk available 24 hours, 7 days a week, dedicated client services.
